Today, Friday, marked the final day in this year’s Drop Everything and Read week.
The library has been buzzing all week with books flying in and out, some enjoyed, some tried and returned. That’s the whole point of reading for pleasure. It’s supposed to be pleasurable. We won’t LOVE every book, it’s our right to put it back and try again. Libby Brennan and Isabella Dunne (6th Years) with the help of Ms. Keenan’s very enthusiastic 3rd Years wrapped books in brown paper and encouraged everyone to try a “blind date” with a book. 4th Years in the YSI group got involved too, they talked us through the book they wrote, which frames Dyslexia as a super-power rather than a disadvantage or a negative. 1st Years, 3rd Years, 5th Years and 6th Years joined together on Tuesday for the first ever “whole school book-club” meeting. Despite the wide difference in age, everyone found a common ground through books and reading.
And now, today, the week comes to an end. I hope everyone found something that they enjoyed this week. I want to thank my wonderful colleagues and our fantastic students for getting involved, dressing up, wearing blue and dropping EVERYTHING to read.
Ms. Campbell