TY Students On Nationwide

in News, Press Coverage, TY News

Our Transition Years were on Nationwide last night!  They were absolutely fantastic and we are so proud of them.  The leaders of the programme chose Mimi to speak and represent the group, she was articulate and a complete natural! Well done to all the current and past participants of The Connective Arts Centre Programme.
By Ms. Gonoud, TY Coordinator.

Over the past two years, Ms. Gonoud has been coordinating with Miriam Spollen. Our current 5th Years took part in the programme Miriam runs last year and we have 15 TY participants again this year.

TYs from last years group and this year’s group have worked on/with the Connective Arts Centre programme. The programme is about access to education and bridging the gaps for people with learning difficulties.

Here is the link.  (Our students feature in the 2nd part of the show) 
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