On the 9th of November seven 5th Years (Isabelle Morris, Sara Daly, Ebony Gallagher, Kirstyn Quinn, Grace Delaney , Ruby Devlin & Aobh Chambers attended a showcase event in the Connections Arts Centre in Rathgar as part of Inclusion and Integration Week. This event was attended by Disabilities Minister Anne Rabbitte . This event was to showcase the work of the Connections Arts Centre https://instagram.com/connectionsartscentre?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Our 5th Years were invited to speak about their work in the centre for 10 weeks last year teaching people with disabilities IT skills.
Our 5th Years were invited to speak about their work in the centre for 10 weeks last year teaching people with disabilities IT skills.
Well done 5th Years!
(Pictured are the 5th Years, Minister for Disabilities Anne Rabbitte and Creative TY Connections participant James Byrne in today’s Irish Times and Evening Herald.)