Next week is Friendship Week! ❤️
At Loreto Beaufort, we know how important friendships are to the happiness of our students, so we have created a week to celebrate this. During this week, the students will participate in many activities – dancing into school, a rave, a house meeting (in which they get to know people from other year groups in their house – Polaris, Sahu, Twilla, and Quandra – by playing lots of fun games) and SASS which stands for Stop and Start Smiling, where for ten minutes they will play a game in their class group. The wonderful TYs will also be going into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year non exam classes to talk about the importance of being a good friend and some anti-bullying information, too.
We hope that everyone in our school community can show what it means to be a good friend during this week and always!