Beidh Seachtain na Gaeilge againn ar an 14,15,16ú Márta.☘️☘️
We will have lots of events on that week (see below) and are hoping you take this opportunity to use your own Gaeilge. There will be a duais mór ? ? for the non-Gaeilge múinteoir who speaks the most Gaeilge. The students will decide our winner.
Our lá glas is on Wednesday 16th so please remember to wear your éadaí glasa to get you in the mood for our St Patrick’s day break.
We are so lucky that there has always been a tradition of having a very positive attitude towards An Ghaeilge in Beaufort.
We hope you enjoy the week.
An Roinn Gaeilge ☘️
Tráth na gCeist ?
Céilí Mór ?? ?
Seanfhocail an lae ☘️
Clár fógraíochta agus fógraí as Gaeilge timpeall na scoile ☘
Comórtas Meme / Postaeir ?
Smidiú ar YouTube (Aimee Connolly) ?
Lá glas (16ú Márta)?