Ms McMahon’s 4th year History class and Ms Gallagher’s 4th year Politics class joined together for Anglo Irish Tea Party where a breakfast was enjoyed by all and a debate over the terms of the Anglo Irish treaty was had. We all dressed up as people at the time of the treaty, there were British delegates, Michael Collins, Irish representatives etc. Dressing up was so much fun, Ms McMahon and Ms Gallagher dressed up as Michael Collins and Kitty Kieran and they’re costumes were fabulous. There were lots of baked goods, croissants, and themed cakes with British and Irish flags on top. After we had tucked into the food the debate began. Representatives from the Anti treaty side spoke first. The audience cheered and booed and the first years even came in to watch. Next was the Pro treaty side. The two sides debated in their costumes and it was very entertaining. Ms McMahon as Michael Collins debated strongly for the pro treaty side. We took lots of photos and it was such a great morning.
Written by Amy Kelly in 4th year.