Careers Night a great success

in Careers, News

On Thursday 19th November a Careers Night was held for the 5th and 6th year students.
Over 60 past pupils attended and spoke to the girls. The range of courses and degrees that they represented was indeed wide and exciting.  
We had girls studying Teaching ,Nursing, Business, Science, Medicine,Psychology, Photography, Theology, to name but a few!
The students were very interested in talking to the past pupils and were able to get very realistic and helpful information on the degrees.

Afterwards, the past pupils went to the staff room for refreshments and were delighted to have an opportunity to chat to their own friends. 
A big thank you to all who helped with the evening and a special thanks to our past pupils for giving up an evening during this busy season. 
A good night was had by all.
M. McDowell.

Guidance Counsellor


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