D.E.A.R Week is fast approaching (next Monday the 16th November) and the theme of this week is ‘Literary Heroes and Villains’. There are some kidnapped Beaufort teddies involved so please keep an eye out but other than that here are our plans:
– Every day, a quote will be written on the whiteboards of all form classes. You can guess who the quote is by or where it is from, write down your answer and place it in a box at reception with your name and you could win a prize.
– Find out what teachers are reading and again you could win a prize by listening to the questions about teacher’s reading tastes on the intercom and placing your answer in ANOTHER box at reception.
As if you won’t be busy enough winning all those prizes you will also be dropping everything to read daily at a surprise time so make sure you have your books with you wherever you go.
And that’s not all – we’ve also planned numerous other activities for you throughout the week so read on….
Monday: Every student should choose a hero or a villain from a book they have read or are reading and anagram their name – for example : Sherlock Holmes = Shocker Smell Oh. The most creative anagrams from each year win yet MORE prizes.
Tuesday: Book Swap – Bring in a book you have enjoyed for a friend and swap recommended books for friends at form time . ( This is just like getting ANOTHER prize)
Wednesday: Wednesday’s theme involves the kidnapped Beaufort Teddies. Of course there will be PLENTY of prizes for the students who follow the clues to discover who kidnapped the Teddies.
Thursday: There will be a quiz in the supervision room. Two students will represent every class. Guess what? The winning team will win MORE prizes ( Come on 2T!)
Friday: All students dress up as their chosen literary hero or villain. There will be a parade in the Assembly Hall at 1.15. Some heroes and villains will be interviewed on stage. The best characters are chosen and YES there will be more prizes.
We hope you enjoy the week more than the poor teddies ….