Peer Teaching in Loreto Primary School

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On Wednesday 4th January, The JPIC captains went to Loreto Primary School to give a Power Point on JPIC to the sixth classes. The talk was explaining what JPIC was and the work we do in the school. We talked about World Aids Day and gave them information on what we did for example peer teaching and handing out ribbons etc. We then discussed Gender Equality Week and we told them the differences between boys and girls in the Global South. We had a big discussion on this topic. Everyone began to talk about Loreto Rumbek in South Sudan. All the students had heard of our sister school. We did an exercise on Africa where the students had to say words that they associated with Africa. We circled every negative word and all but one word were negative. We showed them pictures of the Africa we don’t see for example the big cities and mansions. They were all amazed and couldn’t believe it. We showed them two video clips. One of the clips was an always Superbowl advert and the other was a video went viral of young boys talking about a girl their age. They really enjoyed the videos and got the message. We ended the Power Point by having a quiz. They seemed to really enjoy the presentation and all engaged very well.


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