Beaufort’s Green Committee with Ms Murphy are currently hard at work preparing our action plan for a new Green Flag. This year we are trying to earn the Biodiversity Flag. The action plan centres on improving our interaction with the local environment.
In order to interact in a more positive way with the local wildlife, we have decided to run a Beaufort Birdwatch. We are using social media (Facebook, twitter) and the school’s website to launch this school-wide initiative
The aim of the birdwatch is to familarise students with the different types of birds which are found in our locality. We also want to encourage students to feed wild birds, in both the school ground and at home over the next few months.
Please see the Green noticeboard by the Auditorium for more details.
How to get involved?
- Download the bird ID sheet which is posted below and keep a log of how many different types of birds you see in either the school grounds, in your garden or in the locality. Report your findings to
- Start feeding the local birds. Try your hand at making a bird feeder or a bird cake. There are easy to follow instructions on this website under downloads. You can download the bird spotter sheet and the recycled bird feeder to help you . Take a photo of your work and send it to our email address. A prize will be awarded to the first five students who send in pictures showing how they feed the birds in their garden.
- Take part in our competition. The first five students to email in photos of local birds will win bird inspired goody bags (
- For more information on Irish garden birds please check out the following website initiative has been prepared as a ‘paperless’ activity as we want to reduce the amount of paper and ink used to produce school posters.
Beaufort Green Committee