3rd Year Pilgrimage to Knock

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Last Wednesday morning the 19th of January, third years experienced a very early start as they set off on their Pilgriamge and Retreat to Knock, Co.Mayo.

The girls entered into the retreat very willingly, and the retreat team hosting the retreat complimented the girls highly on their enthusiasm and spirit! A lot of the girls did not know what to expect- but they were pleasantly surprised. Belowing are some quotes from the girls refelction when they came home.

“ I really enjoyed the mass which our whole year group attended. It was very interesting and I listened  to the priest and what he was saying”

“  My favourite part of the day was getting to write a letter to God. I felt this was a good thing to do as it let me get things off your chest”

“ I liked the two workshops we had with Nicola and Helen because in Helen’s workshop I enjoyed writing the letter to God, in Nicolas workshop I liked getting the little slip of paper with the message from scripture. I also enjoyed learning about how the people lived at the time of the apparition in the museum.”

“I enjoyed listening to the bible extracts, because it made me feel very peaceful”

“ I would recommend this retreat to next years third years as I felt it was a good way to bond with my friends and others in the year. It is also a good way to take a break from worrying about exams”


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